Two Mutual Aid Fires

On Tuesday September 28th at approximately 0206 AM Ulster Hose was dispatched mutual aid to West Hurley Fire Department with an engine and truck for a house fire.

Car 1 Engine 4 and Truck 1 responded.

Car 1 and Engine 4’s crew went to work assisting in overhaul ventilation.

Units were put back in service shortly thereafter.


At 1217 PM, Ulster Hose was dispatched mutual aid into the Ruby Fire District for a reported structure fire. Car 1,3, and 4 arrived with heavy smoke and fire from the basement and 1st floor. Engine 4 arrived shortly after and assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. Rescue 3 was dispatched to the scene to provide a FAST Team. Units operated on scene for approximately 3 hours.

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2018-09-25T01:07:11-04:00September 25, 2018|
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